202-288-1900 | 703-489-4190

Capitol Teachers Offers Tutoring Services in Grades K-12 Across All Subject Areas
Virtual Tutoring Services
Learning Pods
In-Person Tutoring Services
College Preparation

Contact Us for 1 on 1 Tutoring
703-489-4190 | 202-288-1900
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Our Story
We understand that great educators make great tutors. Because of this belief, Capitol Teachers is one of the only tutoring services in the area where all tutors are experienced teachers.
Here at Capitol Teachers, we strongly believe that holding students to high expectations ultimately leads to greater growth and continued success. We know that data-driven instruction is crucial in meeting the diverse needs of individual learners. We understand the importance of collaboration with families, and the larger educational community surrounding a student’s learning. We look forward to fostering relationships with students and families and empowering students to meet their greatest potential.
Before founding Capitol Teachers, Liz and JoAnn each taught in public schools for 17 years. They both have been rated as highly effective teachers. They have been identified as Expert Teachers, nominated for Teacher of the Year, and awarded the prestigious Rubenstein Award for excellence in teaching. While in their own classrooms, they consistently delivered engaging and innovative lessons, while building meaningful relationships with their students.

See what parents and students are saying about Capitol Teachers:
Thank you Capitol Teachers for helping connect me with a sight word tutor for my son. The progress has been remarkable!
-Parent of a Kindergartener
Our family had the good fortune of having both Liz and JoAnn as teachers. Both our children flourished during their pivotal third-grade year when the real learning begins in earnest.
When our son (now in 6th grade) was asked his thoughts on Ms. Kraemer, he described her as “really engaging,” and he credited her with helping him develop his love for math. Indeed, Liz was able to find ways to enrich his experience in this subject. She also identified his needs and advocated on his behalf to make sure he was placed in the proper math setting. And he emerged from her class a voracious reader who has a zest for learning.
Our daughter continues to benefit from JoAnn’s considerable talents and enthusiasm for her craft. She has blossomed this year, becoming a confident learner who is able to tackle difficult concepts with a growth mindset. She just adores Ms. Hill and has noted JoAnn’s ability to “make even boring things fun.” JoAnn has a knack for playing to students’ strengths and giving them the tools and self-esteem to grow in areas that need work.
Both Liz and JoAnn are wonderful, nurturing teachers, mentors, advocates and role models, who inspire their students to develop their own passions. They will surely bring their infectious love of learning, books, family, travel, health and fitness, and entrepreneurship to this new venture.
And while it is a loss to the school, those who they will serve through this endeavor will prosper.
-Parent of a 3rd Grader and 6th Grader
I've been privileged to have my son in Ms. Kraemer's class and my daughter in Ms. Hill's. Beyond knowing their craft and how to teach children in ways that build children's confidence as well as their capabilities, Ms. Kraemer and Ms. Hill turn children into strivers. They find just the right balance of challenge combined with passion and a contagious love of learning. What results is joyful, independent learners eager to find out what they can do next!
-Parent of a 3rd Grader and 5th Grader
Liz and JoAnn are incredible teachers! My older son had JoAnn as a teacher and my younger son had Liz. As a family, we absolutely could not have been happier with both of them. They were able to quickly identify my boys' academic strengths and weaknesses and design custom work to develop all of their skills. Most importantly, they increased my sons' love of learning and confidence.
-Parents of a 4th Grader and 5th Grader
Join Our Team
At Capitol Teachers, we are always looking for committed, reliable, and enthusiastic teachers who want to help students beyond their own classrooms. If this sounds like a good fit for you, we’d love to hear from you!